75th Anniversary Merci Train Challenge Coin will be available soon. See the Correspondant's Corner or call me for more information.
The National Box Car Association of La Societe
What is the National Box Car Association?
The National Box Car Association set goals of making contributions to Hospitals, Children’s Homes and Orphanages. Expanding it’s efforts the NBCA supports special projects at the annual Promenade Nationale (National Convention). A party for special children is held in the host city where the children and their escorts are treated to lunch, train rides on visiting Locomotives, and entertainment by the NBCA HOBO Clowns and bands, etc.
Also a monetary donation is made to the host city’s local VAVS Hospital or Clinic. Other donations go to the National Boland Nurses Training Trust Fund, the Charles Ardery Child Welfare Trust Fund and other programs requiring assistance, such as the National 40&8 Membership Committee, 40&8 Magazine, Law Officer of the Year program, and many others. All funding raised by the NBCA is distributed in the same year it is raised.
Funding comes through the sales of Box Car Pins, Crew Cards, and Associate Cards. Crew cards are sold only to Voyageurs Militaire or members of the 40&8 while Pins and Associate cards can be sold to anyone wishing to make a donation for the NBCA. The Box Car Program is currently has a five year series of NBCA Commemorative Coins. When completed, the series will represent a Locomotive pulling three Box Cars and trailing a Caboose. Each coin signifies, in some way, a connection to the symbolic Railroad image of the 40&8, the service to Veterans, and the programs of the 40&8. The sale of these items represents an integral part of the financial success of the National Box Car Association.

The history of the Merci Train, as it was to be named, represented the thankfulness of the French after the war. Please read more about this slice of history from WWI by clicking on the "Merci Train" link below. Thank you.

Trumbull County Forty and Eight Locale # 1182. This website and its contents, text and images are the property of this organization and subject to all copyright laws. All rights reserved.