Nurses Training Scholarship
Trumbull County Voiture # 1182 is proud to continue the tradition of providing scholarship opportunities to our nursing students that pursue this vital career and supporting the Nurses Training program of La Societe. We are proud to announce the 2021-2022 selectee. Carrie Snyder started her education program at the Trumbull County Technical Institute at the Trumbull County Campus at Kent State University in Champion, Ohio. She has now graduated and will be taking her certification test at state level. We wish Carrie the best in her nursing career and hope our small part in assisting her to complete her education was of some financial assistance. Congratulations Carrie. It should be noted that the proud grandfather is none other that our Chef de Train Ron Currey. Congrats Grandpa.

Our Scholarship winner
Pictured left to right are: Chef de Gare John Turner, Commissaire Intendent Allen Briggs, Cheminot Wil Midkiff, Carrie Snyder, Chef de Train Ron Currey, kneeling is Correspondant Jim Campbell, Chuck Jaros, Garde de la Porte and Voyageur Clarence Johnson. Carrie received a $300.00 scholarship to assist in her nursing career. She is now presently employed and caring for those in need. Congratulations.